Cost of building a 4 bedroom bungalow in Nigeria

William Nwokoji

This Article was Reviewed by The Chief Editor, Godfrey

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 If you have been surfing the internet for the overall cost of building a 4 bedroom bungalow in Nigeria to no avail, then congratulations for coming down to Atlanticride today 

In case you’ve visited several websites for the analysis and overall cost of building a 4 bedroom apartment but can’t find a convincing response, this article is sure guide.

However, it’s important you note that we’ll be giving you an estimated amount on prices of materials to be used based on what is obtainable in our own area here.

That is to say, there may be a little difference — whether higher or lower — to what we give you here. One thing that is for sure is that we can’t get them all wrong.

Simply because this article is written after carrying out an extensive survey and research on the cost of building a 4 bedroom bungalow. 

Overall cost of building a 4 bedroom bungalow in Nigeria

Don’t be surprised if I tell you that there is no fixed price you one can use to build a 4 bedroom bungalow because of some differences.

Someone in Lagos or Abuja can spend as much as N60,000,000 to build a 4 bedroom bungalow while someone in Osun or can spend as low as N10,000,000. 

As such, the differences in the cost is often affected by some factors which include; location of the property, the cost of building materials, the quality of building materials, construction method, workmanship charges, etc.

So have it at the Apex of your earth that you may spend more than that or below the two prices above when building your own 4 bedroom bungalow.

Cost of building a four bedroom bungalow in Nigeria

Breakdown of building a 4 bedroom bungalow in Nigeria

Our estimation of the overall amount needed for the building of 4 bedroom bungalow is going to be splitted into four categories, namely:

  • Buying of land
  • Earthworks and Excavation
  • Materials for Earthworks support
  • Blinding
  • Foundation Footing
  • Blockwork in Foundation
  • Ground Floor Slab
  • Labour for Block work Above DPC
  • Lintel Casting
  • Roofing
  •  Plastering, wiring, plumbing, ceiling, door and window fixing stages.
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1) Buying of land

You’ll agree that you cannot build a house in a vacuum. Hence, the first thing to do in the construction of a 4 bedroom flat is to buy a land.

The costs of buying a land can never be estimated in precision, as land sales depends on the numbers of acres, plots, environment, and the exact location where the land is situated.

But on average, you can get two plots of land in a remote area (small town and not village) for as low as #1.5 million.

2) Earthwork And Excavation

After you must have gotten the land, there’s need for you to clear the site by removing the topsoil, set out, trench excavation, back filling, laterite Filling, etc.  

Doing all these work on the purchased land is going to cost you an estimated amount of #705,360.

3) Material for Earthwork Support

In the course of doing the earthworks, there are some important materials that are needed to carry out the operation successfully.

Among these materials for earthworks support are 1″ x 12” x 3.60m long plank, 4″ x 4” x 3.60m plank for strutting, 2″ x 2” x 3.60m for bracing plank, nails, anti-termite, damp proof membrane, etc.

These materials are, however, estimated to wortht #373,800 with workmanship and labour fees included.

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4) Material Requirements for Blinding

For blinding, there is need for cements and tonnes of stone, which is estimated to cost #56,700 including workmanship.

5) Foundation Footing

Another thing to consider on the cost of building a 4 bedroom bungalow is the materials and cost of making a foundation footing.

Here, there’s need for bags of cements, tonnes stone dust and tonnes of granite to carry out the operation.

Thus, overall cost of foundation footing and the labour fee is estimated to #506,750.

6) Blockwork in Foundation

The estimated cost of laying foundation blocks for the building of 4 bedroom bungalow in Nigeria is estimated to worth #157,250.

7) Ground Floor Slab

For a standard ground floor slab, the expected ratio is 1:2:4 and putting all the materials needed into consideration, it’ll also cost #1,215,225.

Note that we arrived at that amount of money after putting both the bricklaying and carpentry work into consideration.

8) Block work Above DPC

The estimated cost of block work to be placed above the DPC is #639,850. This money includes buying of cements, sands, and other necessary things needed for the work.

9) Lintel Casting

A standard lintel for a 4 bedroom bungalow is usually casted in the ratio of 1: 2: 4. And putting all the needed materials into consideration, the Estimated cost for this stage is #339,355

10) Roofing A 4 Bedroom Bungalow

At this juncture, it’s important to state that the cost of building a 4 bedroom bungalow in Nigeria will also differ in terms of roofing type or materials you’ll be using.

You can’t compare the use of ordinary Zinc roofing to the use of Aluminum roofing. The logging style differs too and all these cost a lot of money.

Nevertheless, the total estimated cost for the roofing stage on average is calculated to cost #2,049,820.

 11) Plastering, wiring, plumbing, ceiling, door and window fixing stages

Once you are at this stage, then you are almost at the last lap of building a 4 bedroom bungalow.

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This stage requires you to plaster, wire, windows and doors and plumbing fixing, and tile the building to give it a more pleasant look.

The estimated cost here varies, too, based on the quality of materials to be used. For is a modest finishing of the house, you’ll need a total amount of #6,650,510

It’s important you note that the above estimation includes windows (Aluminum windows) burglary proofs, doors (wooden and steel) and POP ceiling.

And also, the cost of plumbing work, digging of soak away pits, buying of storex tanks, painting, and other finishing touches.

Summary Of Cost Of Building A 4 Bedroom Apartment In Nigeria

Buying of land ——–––––––– #1,500,000
Excavation And Earthwork ———————– 705,360
Earthwork Support ——————————-NGN 373,800
Blinding ——————————————NGN 56,700
Foundation Footing——————————NGN 506,750
Blockwork In Foundation  ———————–NGN 157,250
Ground Floor Slab ——————————-NGN 1,215,225
Lintel ———————————————NGN 339,355
Blockwork Above DPC—————————NGN 639,850
Roof ———————-NGN 2,049,820
Finishing Work———————————–NGN #6,650,510
Sub total—————————————–NGN 14,194,620


From the analysis and calculation of the overall cost of building a 4 bedroom bungalow in Nigeria, we arrived at an estimated amount of #14,194,620

Remember that the estimation is just for the construction from the start to the end. Furniture and buying of home electronics are not included.


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About the Chief Editor

Godfrey Ogbo, the Chief Editor and CEO of AtlanticRide, merges his environmental management expertise with extensive business experience, including in real estate. With a master's degree and a knack for engaging writing, he adeptly covers complex growth and business topics. His analytical approach and business insights enrich the blog, making it a go-to source for readers seeking thoughtful and informed content.

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