Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest (In Modern day): Pictures, Videos, and lots More in 2023


This Article was Reviewed by The Chief Editor, Godfrey

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There is no point disputing the fact that Adolf Hitler’s history is being studied in schools and colleges around the world. But how often do you hear people talking about the Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest (In Modern day)?

In a strange turn of history, Martin Bormann’s gift to Adolf Hitler for his birthday has now become a cozy restaurant with a 360-degree view of the Alps. Hitler’s Eagles Nest is located on a mountain peak above Berchtesgaden in the Bavarian Alps, Germany.

You can only get to this historic Third Reich survivor by taking a special bus or walking for 3 hours to an elevator shaft deep in the mountain. 

It has a very beautiful view that is breathtaking and many people want to visit where the famous Hitler once stayed.

Hitler's Eagle's Nest (In Modern day)

This blog post will discuss all you need to know about Hitler’s eagle’s nest in this modern times.

Background On Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest

As the Allies rushed through Western Europe after the Germans were defeated in battle, the Eagle’s Nest was one of the big prizes to be taken. This Alps estate, which was 6,000 feet high, was actually a birthday present to Hitler.

The Allies called it the “Eagle’s Nest,” but everyone in Germany called it the “Kehlsteinhaus.” It was in one of the most beautiful parts of Bavaria, on top of the Obersalzberg Mountains, with a view of the small town of Berchtesgaden.

The Eagle’s Nest was made for Adolf Hitler as a gift for his 50th birthday. Martin Bormann supervised the building of the house, which is still an impressive feat of engineering to this day. 

It was reached by a road that is still the steepest in Germany. Bormann brought in Italian engineers and road builders who knew how to make roads through the Alps.

Hitler's Eagle's Nest (In Modern day)

Up At The Eagle’s Nest

Once you get to the top, you can look around most of the rooms and eat or drink in the same room where Hitler, Eva Braun, Himmler, and others had banquets and hosted foreign diplomats. 

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Outside, just past the beer garden terrace is a path that leads up to a higher point that is well worth the short climb.

When the weather is good, the view is breathtaking. The jagged mountains are right at eye level with the Alps, so they look out over both Germany and Austria. If the sky is clear, you can see Salzburg. Even when it’s foggy, the clouds moving around give it a nice spooky vibe.

The style and location of the building show that Hitler was interested in old Germanic stories. Inside, the thick granite walls, the heavy beam ceilings of the Kehlsteinhaus give it a faux-medieval look. It’s like a modern version of the mountain fortress where legendary Germanic heroes like Barbarossa sleep under the Untersberg across the valley.

The Eagle’s Nest wasn’t damaged by the war, so it looks exactly the same as it did in April 1945. Most of the furniture was taken away by the occupying forces, but the red marble fireplace that Mussolini gave to Hitler is still there, even though souvenir hunters broke off some of it.

The stone walls and ceiling beams were there when the house was built. Some of the light fixtures are the originals, while others are copies. The same is true for the wood paneling on the walls.

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When you walk into the Kehlsteinhaus, you walk into a small, paneled dining room that is now a restaurant with small tables and a small menu. This was the room where Hitler held his banquets at a long table.

It was recently remodeled. A cozy, Bavarian style has been swapped out for a more generic, modern look.

The light fixtures were either the originals or exact copies. The same ones can be seen in the conference room next door. 

The Dining Room

You can get to the large room with stone walls by going through the dining room and going down a few steps. This room was used for meetings and parties. It’s already arranged for more people to eat there.

Hitler's Eagle's Nest (In Modern day)

Also, on the three sides, there are large windows with views of the Alps. This room has Mussolini’s fireplace and some cheap souvenir racks.

Gretl Braun, Eva Braun’s sister, got married to SS Officer Hermann Fegelein on June 3, 1944, and this room was where the party was held. On April 29, 1945, the day before he killed himself in Berlin, the Führer had Fegelein shot.

When To Go To The Eagle’s Nest

Because of snow, you can only go to the Eagle’s Nest from mid-May to October. When the road is clear in May, the buses start running. They stop when the road gets unsafe.

Every season, loose rocks on the mountainside are removed before the service starts. Since it opened to the public in 1952, there hasn’t been a single accident with this bus service. 

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This is a very popular place to visit, so it can get very busy in the summer.


From this blog post, we can see that Hitler’s eagle’s nest has been transformed into an amazing tourist attraction and dining area. You can now visit this extravagant present that was gifted to the dictator to celebrate his fiftieth birthday. 


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About the Chief Editor

Godfrey Ogbo, the Chief Editor and CEO of AtlanticRide, merges his environmental management expertise with extensive business experience, including in real estate. With a master's degree and a knack for engaging writing, he adeptly covers complex growth and business topics. His analytical approach and business insights enrich the blog, making it a go-to source for readers seeking thoughtful and informed content.

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