27 College Scholarships for Adopted Children in the US

William Nwokoji

This Article was Reviewed by The Chief Editor, Godfrey

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Are you in the U.S. and need the comprehensive list of excellent scholarships for adopted children? If yes, kindly read on.

In the United States, there are numerous college scholarship opportunities that are specifically designed for adopted children from foster care.

Since these children are often faced with tremendous hardships when it comes to college education, many organizations have step forward to help them have a brighter future.

Top Scholarships for Adopted Children in the U.S.

Without much ado, the following is the comprehensive list of the top college scholarships program for adopted children in the United States.

Scholarship opportunities for adopted children in the US

1. Adoptive Families Today Commemorative Scholarships

Email: adopadvo@aol.com

Adoptive Families Today Commemorative Scholarships is one the of the tops scholarship programmes that are specifically meant for adopted kids.

The scholarships are granted to any adopted child that spend his/her youth at any of the Lake, Cook, DuPage, Kane, and McHenry foster care center.

And such adopted child most have been out of his foster home after his/her 16th birthday.

To qualify for this college education scholarship that worth $1,500 in financial assistance, the intending student most possess some qualities.

He must be a high school graduates or a GED recipients who desire to pursue his post-secondary education.

Either at a reputable junior college, technical school, or to study a four-year accredited program in any university in Illinois.

2. Carlos Lara and Don Hazel Scholarship Fund

Email: scholarship@tffa.org

The Carlos Lara and Don Hazel Scholarship Fund are a yearly college scholarship for adopted children in the US.

For transparency, this scholarship programme is being administered by the Texas Foster Family Association (TFFA).

While these philanthropists are particular about the future of adopted kids, they provide $1,000 in financial assistance annually.

The money is often paid to the foster parent or the foster children themselves.

But such foster child must be a high school final and so desirous to enroll full-time into any higher institution.

For eligibility, applicants must write and submit a two-paragraph essay, his high school transcript, two recommendation letters, and the college acceptance letter.

3. Gordon Evans Scholarship

Email: info@NFPAinc.org

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This scholarship award is created by the national body of the Foster Parent Association to honour a man of respect and valour.

This man gave out so much to many homeless children he fostered. This scholarship is named after him.

As such, the Evans Gordon Scholarship Fund is usually rolls out every year to every deserving birth, foster and adoptive children of all member-foster parents.

Of course, such foster mom must a member of the national association with a good standing and reputation.

To qualify for this financial assistance, the applicant must be enrolled as an undergraduate (full-time) student at any higher institution in the US.

4. Casey Family Scholars Program

Email: scholarships@fc2success.org

This is the largest scholarship program for individuals who have been to any foster care home in his or youth.

The Casey Family Scholars provides $1,500 to $6,000 financial assistance to adopted children per academic year.

Such students must have been in private or public foster care for a year, and must have been adopted out of his foster home after his 16th birthday.

5. Dorothy and Robert Debolt Scholarship

Email: scholarship@aask.org

Are you an orphan or adopted child in need of financial assistance to further his college education program?

Fret not, Dorothy and Robert Debolt scholarship is here to give you a brighter future.

You must be based in California or had your foster youth there and planning to continue your college education before being eligible.

6. Fostering A Future Scholarship Program

Email: caninformation@aol.co

This is, yet, another top scholarship assistance fund for the humble adopted children.

Hence, the grant-in-aid is sponsored by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and the Children’s Action Network.

In order to qualify for this $2,500 financial tuition assistance from Fostering A Future Foundation, candidates must have attained the age of 21.

7. Great Aspirations Scholarship Program

Email: collegesuccess@grasp4virginia.com

The Great Aspirations Scholarship Program (GRASP) is a non-profit organization is funded by school systems in Virginia.

It hosts a yearly scholarships program to help eligible adopted children that wish to further their post-secondary education.

Preference is usually given to students schooling in Hanover, New Kent, Henrico, Chesterfield, Petersburg, Hopewell, Powhatan, Richmond or Charles City.

8. DREAM Former Foster Children Scholarship

Email: foster.care@state.or.us

Accordingly, the DREAM Former Foster Children Scholarship program is specifically meant for orphans, foster children, or adoptee.

Nonetheless, to qualify for this scholarship, the interested applicant must have attained the age of 25 years.

He/she must have spent up to 180 days in foster care, and he must have been admitted to study at any public university or college in Oregon.

9. Emily Lester Vermont Opportunity Scholarship

Email: info@vsac.org

The grant-in-aid here is from the range of $1,000 to $3,000 financial assistance.

Hence, the eligible applicants must have been adopted from the Vermont Commissioner of the Department for Children and Families.

Specifically, applicants must also be running a bachelor’s degree or undergraduate associate program at an accredited Vermont school.

And of course, he must have demonstrated financial assistance.

10. Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption Scholarships

Email: info@frua.org

The Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption foundation offers two charitable assistance awards for their member’s dependent children.

These children must be adopted in Eastern Europe, and currently enrolled in any accredited undergraduate program.

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Or better still, the adoptee may still be in the final class of his senior high school and show is desirous to pursue his post-secondary school education.

11. Fory Charitable Trust Scholarship for Orphans

Email: smarshall@forytrust.org

The Fory Charitable Trust Scholarship for Orphans aim and objectives is to give orphans and children that are at risk a better life.

The charitable foundation awards up to $2,000 annually to students adopted from Russia to form part of an American nuclear family.

12. John H. Chafee Education and Training Scholarship

Email: scholarships@fc2success.org

Similarly, this is a federally funded but state-administered scholarship program in the US aimed at providing financial support to kids.

The John H. Chafee Education and Training Scholarship roll out $5,000 yearly to students across the 50 states.

As such, the eligible applicant must have been in a foster home till his 18th birthday or adopted from foster care when he clocked 16.

13. Kansas Foster and Adoptive Children Scholarship Fund

Email: scholarships@gkccf.org

Are you an adopted child from any foster center in Kansas? Do you need financial assistance to continue your college education?

If yes, the Kansas Foster and Adoptive Children Scholarship Fund is one of the reliable grant-in-aid initiatives to help children.

14. Horatio Alger Association National Scholarship

Email: scholarships@horatioalger.org

The Horatio Alger Association National Scholarship is specifically designed to assist high school finals.

To be eligible, the applicant must be an adopted child facing financial challenges and have no hope of attending college.

15. Ira S. Tate Scholarship

Email: finaid@selu.edu

Another worthy of mention scholarship opportunity for adopted children in the US is the IRA S. Tate Scholarship program.

Here, eligible applicants must be an adopted (full-time) undergraduate student leaving in Baton Rouge.

He must have shown or demonstrate a financial constraint from his side. And he must have been abandoned by his adoptive parents when he clocked 18.

16. UMPS Care Charities All-Star Scholarship

Email: Jenn@umpscare.com

The UMPS Care Charities All-Star Scholarship is, yet, another top-notch charitable organization.

This foundation is committed to giving out $10,000 college scholarships for adopted children in the US.

Qualified applicants must have been in the U.S foster care system before, he must be graduating from high school seniors.

He must, however, equally demonstrate financial assistance.

17. Jane Irene Mishica Memorial Scholarship

Email: Cassandraw@hafoundation.org

The Jane Irene Mishica Memorial Scholarship is meant for high school senior finals from Humboldt County, California.

The applicants must have been adopted at the tender age of 10 or so, and he must be pursuing a degree at an recognized public Universities in U.S.

18. Kreager Family Scholarship

Email: info@kalfound.org

To be eligible for this college scholarship fund, the applicant must be an adopted student who is planning to attend any accredited higher institution.

Such students must demonstrate financial need, and he must equally write and submit an essay on he thinks he can overcome academic challenges.

19. Legacy League Adoption Scholarship

Email: admission@samford.edu

If you are having a post-secondary education challenges, kindly write a financial assistance application to Legacy League.

Education scholarships for adopted children

20. Lifetime Adoption Foundation Educational Scholarships

Email: scholarships@lifetimefoundation.org

As an adopted child with no post-secondary school education, kindly submit, write an application and submit to LAFES.

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Include the proof of your enrollment into the college or University together with the official transcript indicating a 2.0 GPA.

21. Massachusetts Adopted Children Tuition Waiver Program

Email: osfa@osfa.mass.edu

This charitable foundation mission is to lessening — to the barest minimum — the financial burden on adopting parents.

The Massachusetts Adopted Children Tuition Waiver Program render full tuition scholarships to eligible adoptee.

Applicants must be admitted in any undergraduate degree program at a public Massachusetts university with a academic standing.

22. National Foster Parent Association Youth Scholarship Program

Email: scholarships@nfpaonline.org

Every year, the National Foster Parent Association (NFPA) give out $500 to five adopted youth as a scholarship to each.

An eligible applicant must be seeking post-secondary academic pursuit beyond high school at any higher institution in the US.

23. Nebraska Foster and Adoptive Association Scholarship

Email: Felicia@nfapa.org

The Nebraska Foster and Adoptive Association (NFAPA) providescholarships for adopted children of Nebraska.

So any foster, adoptive, or ophan that wishes to pursue his education beyond a high school diploma, is eligible to apply.

Thus, the recipients must be a U.S. citizen, who lives and reside in an adoptive or foster home within Nebraska.

24. North Carolina Child Welfare Post-Secondary Support Program

Also called the NC Reach, this is a Child Welfare Post-Secondary assistance program aimed at giving out college scholarships to indigent adoptees.

More so, the applicants must be a college student who was aged out from any of the North Carolina public foster home.

Or an adoptee whose adoption from the foster care was resolved after his 12th birthday.

Plus, the Interested applicants must be admitted at any college or university within North Carolina.

He must equally make satisfactory progress or have a good grade toward the completion of his undergraduate degree.

25. Sam Houston State University Forward Program

Email: fye@shsu.edu

Also, Sam Houston State University Forward Program is another leading grant-in-aid initiative directed towards impacting life of a suffering adoptee.

This charitable foundation provides a yearly renewable college scholarship to full-time admitted undergraduate students.

These students are former orphans, foster youth, wards of the state, or adopted children.

Other than this scholarship funding, adoptee students in the Forward Program will benefit from the on-campus housing waivers, career services, internships, etc.

26. Foster Care To Success Scholarships

Are you an adoptee in high school final but don’t have the means to proceed to college? If yes, Foster Care to Success is here to help.

Ideally, Foster Care to Success is non-governmental organization saddles with the responsibility of offering adopted kids education scholarship.

Their education scholarship is only available for a University or college adopted student.

And the eligible student must be under the age of 25. A previous beneficiary will not be considered again.

Also, an eligible applicant of this scholarship award will be opened to $2,500 to $5,000 annually.

27. Adoption Network Law Center program

In addition, the Adoption Network Law Center Program is an annual scholarship program aimed at rendering financial assistance to adoptee.

This program is designed purposely to show care and support to Birth Parents, Foster Children, and Adoptees who are desirous to pursue higher education.

On a yearly basis, the Adoption Network Law Center provides up to $10,000 worth of financial assistance in scholarships.

Such is there own way of helping indigent adoptees secure a brighter and assured futures.

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At this juncture, it is important to state that there are numerous college scholarships for adopted children in the US.

The above highlighted is, however, the top and leading scholarship opportunities for the indigent adoptees in the United States.


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About the Chief Editor

Godfrey Ogbo, the Chief Editor and CEO of AtlanticRide, merges his environmental management expertise with extensive business experience, including in real estate. With a master's degree and a knack for engaging writing, he adeptly covers complex growth and business topics. His analytical approach and business insights enrich the blog, making it a go-to source for readers seeking thoughtful and informed content.

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