Difference Between I Am, I’m, and Am Explained

Ufoh Uche

This Article was Reviewed by The Chief Editor, Godfrey

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The differences between “I am,” “I’m,” and “am” primarily revolve around their usage and grammatical roles. “I am” is a complete statement expressing a full state of being. “I’m” is a contraction of “I am,”and “Am” is a standalone verb used in questions,

Many grammatical problems in the English language have been caused by the introduction of social media and the usage of short forms in communication. 

Misusing the phrases I am, I’m, and am, which are frequent in writing and speaking these days, is one of these typical mistakes.

While the distinction between I’m and I am is negligible. The sole distinction is that in casual circumstances, we use “I’m,” but in neutral or formal contexts, we use “I am.” 

However, there is a big difference when using am. In this blog post, we will discuss the significant differences between them. 

Difference Between I Am, I’m, and Am

What “I AM” Refers to

First-person singular pronouns are referred to as “I am.” As the subject of the verb am, the pronoun I is employed in this sentence. 

Since this is the case, “I am” is used whenever a speaker or writer refers to themselves.

Take, for instance, the following: I am well-known, I am going to school, I am going to respond to your inquiry, I am preparing food, and I am going to travel to Abuja tomorrow.

A person can also use the phrase “I am” to allude to an action in the present and ongoing.

At this very moment, I am going to the market, playing football, and reading, and I am originally from Nigeria.

The abbreviation for “I am” is “I’m:” A contraction that is entirely acceptable in English usage when used in the appropriate situation is “I’m.” 

However, it does have a meaning: it is a shortened version of the word “I am” and is grammatically equivalent to “I am.” 

In light of this, the meaning of I am is identical to that of I am, which is the same thing as I am. e I am so overjoyed. I am preparing to see you at your home; I am writing, speaking, and working.

Differences Between “I Am” and “I’m” 

Difference Between I Am, I’m, and Am

Even though we all agree that the words “I am” and “I am” have the same meaning, there is a tiny distinction between the two in terms of context, formality, and contraction from one to the other.

In the process of making a word shorter, the term “contraction” is used. To put it another way, it is the abbreviated word type. There is a fundamental distinction between the phrases “I am” and “I am,” and that is the fact that “I am” is a shortening of the phrase “I am.”

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“I am” combines the I pronoun and the Am verb. Although the pronoun I am present in the position of ‘I’m,’ the verb AM is contracted to = I’m.’

There is a significant distinction between the phrases “I am” and “I am” in terms of the context in which they can be employed.

In a professional setting, the phrase “I am” is used. However, the phrase “I am” is typically used more casually.

Therefore, whether writing a letter, an official communication, or any other kind of writing, it is considered more appropriate to use the phrase “I am” rather than “I am.” 

On the other hand, while communicating with family and friends, the term “I’m” is the appropriate and acceptable phrase to use.

I’m a shortened form of the phrase “I am.” When two words are combined, and an apostrophe indicates that some letters have been omitted, this is an example of a contraction called a contraction. 

The letter “a” is omitted from “am” in this circumstance. When we speak English, we frequently combine words since it is simpler to say them in this manner. This is the reason why we do this. 

As a symbol for the fact that two words sound like one word, the apostrophe is employed in written English to symbolize this phenomenon.

What You Should Know About Contractions in English 

The term “short forms” or “contractions” refers to words that have been “contracted” or shortened by deleting particular letters from the original word.

Contraction is a term used in traditional grammar to describe creating a new word from an existing word or set of words, such as by eliminating a word. 

The rendering of a standard sequence of words or, as in French, the maintenance of a flowing sound are examples of situations in which this occurs frequently.

Difference Between I Am, I’m, and Am

Examples of contractions that are often used in the English language include:

‘m = am (I’m)

‘re = are ( You’re, we’re, they’re)

‘s  = is and has ( he’s (he is/he has), she’s, it’s)

‘ve = have ( you’ve, we’ve, they’ve)

‘ll  = Will ( He’ll, they’ll, we’ll, you’ll, he’ll, she’ll)

‘d  =  had and would ( I’d, you’d, he’d, she’d, they’d, we’d)

Contractions with auxiliary verbs and NOT. Contraction for NOT Isn’t

Aren’t  = are not

Can’t   = cannot 

Couldn’t = Could not

Didn’t  =  Did not

Hasn’t = has not

Wouldn’t = would not

Won’t     = will not 

Shouldn’t = Should not

Shan’t  = Shall not

Isn’t  = is not.

Mustn’t = must not

An apostrophe shows that there were once two words being joined, and the contraction “I’m” is a contraction. The word “Im” would be pronounced like “him” without the “H” if the apostrophe were not there, and it would not make sense as a word with that pronunciation.

Apostrophes are essential modifications that should be included whenever any word is contracted. As is the case with “it’s” and “there’s,” you should always make sure that “I’m” has one.

Difference Between I Am, I’m, and Am

Check out other common English Usage here

Forms of Contractions In the English Language

Contractions in the English Language can be broken down into four categories:

1. Subject Pronoun + Verb

The most common contraction combines a subject pronoun and a verb. 

The subject pronoun “I” and the verb “have”  are two examples of words that can be combined to make the contraction “I’ve.” 

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Words such as “she’s,” “you’ll,” and “and we’d” are further instances. “Here’s your coffee” is an example of a contraction that uses nouns and words like “here” and “there,” as well as other contractions.

2. Interrogative Adverbs

When writing interrogative phrases, you can generate contractions by combining interrogative adverbs with verbs of the same gender. 

As an illustration, the expression “what’s” is created by combining the interrogative “what” and the verb “is.”

3. Verb Plus “not” 

When you combine a verb with the word “not,” you might get a negative contraction. As an illustration, the contraction “can’t” is established by combining the verb “can” and the word “not.” 

The words “won’t,” “shouldn’t,” and “wouldn’t” are some further instances.

4. Informal Contractions 

It is a speech contraction representing the sound of a contracted word. The word “going” and the word “to” are shortened to the word “gonna,” which is a colloquial abbreviation

“Y’all,” which is a combination of “you” and “all,” is another example. 

The word “movin'” is an example of an informal contraction that ends with an apostrophe. This is because the word “moving” is shortened by omitting the letter “g.”

What Is the Difference Between “I Am” and “Am”?

The usage of the term “am” is another typographical error that frequently occurs concerning the phrases “I am” and “I am.”

‘Am’ has been misused and frequently substituted for ‘I am’ and ‘I’m’, particularly in everyday conversation. 

For instance, when you ask someone, “How are you?” and they respond, “I’m fine,” this is an example of a conversation. Because “Am fine” has no meaning, it is entirely incorrect in English. 

In light of this, your response to the question “How are you?” should be “I’m fine,” which is also synonymous with “I am fine.”

In contrast to the first-person singular pronouns “I am” and “I’m,” which are used to begin a phrase, “am” is merely an auxiliary verb and cannot be used to begin a sentence. 

“I am” is a pronoun that consists of the pronoun “I” and the verb “Am.” Therefore, the use of “am” at the beginning of a sentence is grammatically incorrect, except for interrogative sentences. 

Also, when we want to employ the verb “to be,” we use the phrase “I am.” We frequently employ the word “to be” when attempting to explain the state we find ourselves in. 

I am tired.

I am happy

I am fixated on this.

We also use “I am” with verb tenses like the present continuous. 

I am playing football.

I am trying to open the bottle.

I am going to the shops later. 

The full conjugation of the verb “to be” in the present is:

  • I am 
  • You are 
  • He is
  • She is 
  • We are 
  • They are

Here are other examples;

a. Am I suffering from a form of dyslexia?

b. Am I good?

c. Am I playing football?

d. Am I a writer?

c. Am I a Jose Mourinho fan?

Frequently Asked Questions on the Usage of I am, I’m, and Am

Difference Between I Am, I’m, and Am

1. Is the phrase “I am” within the bounds of proper grammar?

Using the phrase “I am” is, in fact, grammatically acceptable. When the verb “to be” is in the present tense, the first-person conjugation of the verb is “I am.” 

I am doing fine.

Oh, I am lovely.

I am at a loss.

2. What is the distinction between “I” and “I am”?

By itself, the word “I” is a subject pronoun. When the verb “to be” is in the present tense, the first-person conjugation of the verb is “I am.” 

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Many English verbs can be conjugated with the letter “I.”

I took the bus yesterday.

I am looking for a new bicycle.  

3. Is using the word “I’m” in a professional letter okay? 

On the other hand, you should usually avoid using the word “I’m” in a professional letter. The phrase “I’m” may only be used in casual settings. 

4. Is it right to capitalize “I’m” in the middle of a sentence?

When the letter “I” is used as a pronoun, it is correct always to capitalize it. In addition, you should use it when forming the contraction “I’m.”

Examples include:

I don’t know when I’m leaving. 

I can’t see what I’m doing. 

5. What does the phrase “I am what I am” mean?

When you feel you have established your personality and cannot change it. It means to say, “I am what I am.” 

6. When is it OK to use “am I” in a sentence?

When we want to inquire about ourselves, we employ the phrase “am I” to do so. For example, am I putting in much effort to ensure I get good grades at university? 

The individual in question exhibits signs of self-doubt. As a result of his uncertainty regarding whether or not he is exerting sufficient effort, he is uncertain whether he will achieve satisfactory achievements at the institution.

Also, The phrase “am I” is used in interrogative phrases. Remember to keep one thing in mind! Only in situations where you are unsure of anything can you use “am I” in a sentence or phrase.

If someone were to ask, “Am I looking fat?” for instance. He would only remark this when he is unsure whether or not he appears to be overweight. 

The phrase “am I” is used if we want to inquire about something that pertains to ourselves.

7. Which of the two sentences, “I am” or “Am I,” gives you a sense of self-assurance? 

Difference Between I Am, I’m, and Am

When we have complete confidence in a statement, we employ the phrase “I am.” That instills a sense of self-assurance in ourselves.

A good illustration of this would be the statement, “I am the mother of three lovely children.” Those making this statement appear to have a high level of self-confidence. 

The other person listening to the statement may observe the level of confidence that the speaker is displaying. 

On the other hand, we employ the phrase “am I” when we are unsure of ourselves and want to make a positive statement about ourselves.

Assertive and interrogative sentences are “I am” and “Am I,” respectively. 

When we want to create a straightforward declarative or aggressive assertion, we employ the phrase “I am.” However, the phrase “am I” is used to ask questions. 

Listen to and read English phrases to know where and when to use them regularly.


You now understand the meaning of the phrases “I am,” “I’m,” and “Am,” and you are aware of how to use them appropriately. Do you believe that this article has adequately explained them?

Because one of the laws of the English language is that a pronoun should come before a verb, there is a need to emphasize once more that it is grammatically incorrect to begin a sentence with the phrase “am” and then omit the word “I.” 

It is also consequently a violation of the rule of the English language to use a verb instead of a pronoun, which renders your phrase meaningless.


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About the Chief Editor

Godfrey Ogbo, the Chief Editor and CEO of AtlanticRide, merges his environmental management expertise with extensive business experience, including in real estate. With a master's degree and a knack for engaging writing, he adeptly covers complex growth and business topics. His analytical approach and business insights enrich the blog, making it a go-to source for readers seeking thoughtful and informed content.

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