How to get an A+ for your Thesis


This Article was Reviewed by The Chief Editor, Godfrey

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Every student aspires to get an A+ for their thesis.

It could be the one thing that keeps you motivated to give your best when you submit your thesis and other academic papers.

However, as experience tells us, it’s easier said than done.

Reviewing hundreds of papers during an academic term is a challenging task for your tutors. With topics and content often overlapping, and each of them vying for the short attention span of your tutors, your thesis must stand out to be granted an A+.

How does one achieve this goal, especially if writing is not one of your strong skills?

The Secret Formula to writing an A+ thesis

Secret Formula to writing an A+ thesis

Writing is both an art that is learned and a skill that you are born with; however, there is always a scope for refinement with practice and consistency. 

When I look back at some articles and stories I have written in my earlier years, I can only laugh at how I messed them up. From grammatical errors to incorrect formatting and references, I was guilty of every mistake one could make while writing a paper.

But there’s one thing I did.

I never gave up.

Had it not been for a couple of mentors, who kept encouraging me and pushing me to continue writing, I would have perhaps not been here, writing this blog.

While you may not be preparing for a career as a writer and just need to know how to get an A+ for your thesis, I believe the same principles that helped me apply here too.

So here’s how you can get an A+ for your thesis.

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Do some preliminary research before finalizing your topic

Like every decision we make in life, the topic selection of your thesis also needs to be made diligently. You need to be confident about its potential to arouse a reader’s curiosity and make them learn more about it.

That’s where doing preliminary research about the topic could be a big help. For me, it’s one of the fundamental stages when I plan to write about something, be it about the life of an entrepreneur or something as simple as the best apps for college students.

Your preliminary research will help you:

  • Understand if there are enough resources out there to help you prepare your thesis.
  • Check if the topic in question is relevant in today’s times.
  • Are people actively searching for this topic? (Check this on Google Trends)
  • What relevance can you bring to the topic?
  • Is it something you would like to explore more? If not, you may lose interest in the topic halfway through your thesis.

Maintain a consistent style

Your university is expecting a thesis written in a consistent style and tone. They are looking for your expertise and understanding of the topic you have written about and how you present your thoughts. Equally important is the quality of your research, your references, and your efforts in presenting your arguments on the subject.

More than half the papers submitted do not get the grades they deserve because the reviewer couldn’t read them easily. This is why your thesis needs to be presented in an easy-to-read format, with adequate spacing between the lines, so that the reader can read it easily without straining their eye.

A rule of thumb that I usually follow is not to have paragraphs more than 4 to 5 lines long. That gives the whole paper a clean, inviting look, with adequate white spaces around the content.

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A well-defined index, section headings, and a neat appendix/references page will go a long way in getting you the A+ you deserve for your paper.

Your statement needs to have a KISS format

Keep It Short & Simple.

Your statement is usually the first thing a reviewer reads before going through your thesis.

Based on their findings, they may go more in-depth into your paper or skim through it. Your statement should clearly convey what your paper is about and, more importantly, what you want your audience to think once they read it.

A golden rule you must follow is that the statement should not exceed two sentences. And if you are afraid of not being able to put your point across in just two sentences, relax as you have the rest of the document for the same.

Delivering an A+ Academic paper every time

Behavioral scientists often state that it takes 21 days for any action we repeatedly do to become a habit.

Make writing every day a habit.

That is the only way; you will be able to get an A+ when you submit your thesis.

Writing every day will help you develop a consistent style and help you deal better with “Writer’s Block,” a phenomenon that often affects people who don’t write regularly.

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Moreover, the most significant advantage you will enjoy by writing every day is that you will move closer to finish your thesis editing and avoid getting into a last-minute situation, which often leads to errors and mistakes in your final submission.

Writing every day, and completing your thesis on time, also gives you ample time to revise your thesis and get it reviewed by others so that you can further improvise on it and be worry-free about any errors in it.

So, here’s the secret sauce to writing an A + thesis. I hope it helps you develop your writing skills and creates a better writer than I was at your stage.

Happy Writing!


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About the Chief Editor

Godfrey Ogbo, the Chief Editor and CEO of AtlanticRide, merges his environmental management expertise with extensive business experience, including in real estate. With a master's degree and a knack for engaging writing, he adeptly covers complex growth and business topics. His analytical approach and business insights enrich the blog, making it a go-to source for readers seeking thoughtful and informed content.

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